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Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is providing information and guidance about the physical and emotional aspects of growing up and starting relationships. What makes it comprehensive is that it is not focused on sex but emphasizes the importance of forming healthy relationships and helping young people gain self esteem and understand how to protect their physical and emotional well being.

CSE is about so much more than just Reproduction, HIV and STI’s. It’s about:

  • teaching young people to be comfortable in their own bodies

  •  instilling values and respect for yourself and others

  • empowering young people to take ownership over their actions and their consequences

  • building self esteem and learning coping mechanisms

  • understanding what a healthy relationship is

There are 8 components of CSE.

These are:

  1. Sexual Health and Well Being Rights

  2. Gender

  3. Sexuality

  4. Interpersonal Relationships

  5. Communication and Decision Making skills

  6. The Body, Puberty and reproduction

  7. Sexual and Reproductive Health

  8. Advocating for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights and Gender equality

If you would like CIFWA to run CSE sessions with your community group, sports group, youth group or your classroom email us

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Located Across from the Ministry of Health in Tupapa


Monday - Friday

8:00am - 4:00pm



+682 23420


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